
While the quality of your content is important, the quality of your video editing also has a major impact on the success of your channel.

You’ve probably spent a lot of time deciding what your videos should be about, and you came up with some great ideas. You got through the hassle of sitting down and recording your first few videos.

If you made it through these steps, congratulations! However, then another problem presented itself.

Watching the videos again, you felt like something was missing. Maybe the lighting wasn’t great.

At some point, you could hear a car beeping the background. And you definitely need to cut out that part where your phone started ringing.

Maybe you decided to invest in a video editing software. If so, you know they aren’t cheap and they’re not very easy to use.

The day after you bought the new software, it took you until lunch to figure out all its features. Then, you spent most of the afternoon going through your video over and over again to remove the errors, lighten the room, and adjust the audio.

By the time the workday ended, you had finished editing one video but got absolutely no work done for your business.

A pattern like this has led far too many to give up their dream of a successful YouTube channel for their business. Or, perhaps you’re one of those who decided to leave it up to fate and upload your video to YouTube just the way it is.

Your unedited video sat on your YouTube channel for a few days, got some views, and then disappeared into the background.

The problem with YouTube video editing is more than you think:

  • If your videos aren’t well-edited, they won’t hold people’s attention.
  • If you want to edit your videos well, you’ll waste hours that you need to dedicate to your business.

Meanwhile, your competition is gaining ground. Their videos are getting hits, and they’re slowly stealing away your following.


Youtube on a laptop

Or this...

Youtube on phone Youtube on a phone


Of course you don't want to spend your whole day editing videos... Duh, because the focus of your workday should be making your business grow.

You started your business with a passion for something that you care about. Time has shown that you are an expert in your field, and your business’ success is proof that you know what you’re doing.

You’re not a professional video editor, and that’s just fine! Stop wasting time editing videos and focus on what you really care about - your business.

Let us handle the rest. As a full-service YouTube agency, we can take care of everything from marketing your videos, optimizing them for YouTube, advertising, and yes, video editing.

We’ve edited thousands of videos for YouTube, and other platforms. Taking a simple raw files and turning it into a viral hit.

For example, one of our clients, Lee Hayward started working with our YouTube editing services and had doubled his daily views and retention rate.

And that is within only a days of implementing our editing techniques, their channel started driving the business and the brand faster.

Would you like to see those kinds of results?



Sometimes we don’t realize what we need until we try it. Don’t you ever wonder how we lived before smartphones?

Our clients have that kind of ‘Aha!’ moment when they taste for themselves these three major benefits of working with a video editing service:

You Save Valuable Time...

Your time is a precious resource that is quickly evaporating. Never mind the time that you really need to dedicate to your business...

What about the time you spend at home, at the store, with your family, or pursuing hobbies and other goals?

When you edit your own videos, the time must come from one or more of these activities. Which one are you willing to sacrifice?

The point is that most people who start YouTube channels for marketing quickly realize they can’t keep up with the demands of life and still have time to make their videos perfect.

That means they either post raw videos that few people will watch, or they give up on YouTube altogether. Don’t fall into either of these categories.

With a YouTube video editing service, you could spend as little as one hour per month creating your video content.

Get back to what’s important, and let us take care of the video editing.

Focus on One Thing: Shooting the Video!

When video editing is taken out of the picture, you get to focus on just one part of your YouTube marketing: shooting your videos.

With the extra time, you’ll be able to focus on creating valuable content for your videos that people will really enjoy watching.

Focus on making your videos attention-grabbing and useful for your audience, and we’ll take care of the technical side.

Your Videos Will Catch People’s Attention...

Marketing videos are not the same as your little brother’s vlog. Your competition knows that, and they’re making high-quality videos with all of the corrections and effects that we mentioned above.

When you send your videos in for professional editing, you’ll get a professional-looking result that will set you above the competition.

Let’s get to the point.

If you’re here on our page, you’ve already recognized that you need help with your video marketing. That’s good. Admitting you need help is the first step towards exploding your brand.

But now it’s time to take the next step. Get a free 30-minute strategy session now and we’ll help you through the next steps together.


Remember those days you spent getting frustrated with a video editing software that seemed to hold a grudge against you?

That’s gone.

And what about the hours you spent running through your video over and over again until you couldn’t stand the sound of your own voice? Also gone. So, what’s left?

Once you start working with our YouTube video editing service, we’re going to leave you with only the fun stuff:

  • Recording your videos
  • Watching your channel take off
  • Earning more money

That means you get to have fun recording your videos and then . So, what are you waiting for?

If you’re serious about taking your video marketing to the next level, it’s time to jump onboard with a professional YouTube video editing service.