
YouTube is the opportunity of a lifetime for marketers. It boasts over 1 billion users, who spend on average a billion hours watching videos every single day.

But unless you know what you’re doing, YouTube marketing can be an expensive way to waste your time. If you’ve started a YouTube marketing campaign for your business, you know what I’m talking about...

Your first problem came when you were coming up with ideas for videos to shoot. These questions probably kept you up at night:

  • What kind of videos will appeal to my audience?
  • Which topics should I cover?
  • How can I make videos that generate new business?

Finally, the idea for your first video came to you. But unfortunately, things didn’t get easier from there...

After releasing your first video, there were hardly any views. The only comment was from your mom (I’ve been there). And you didn’t generate new income for your business...

The worst part is that your competitors all have YouTube channels :(

They’re getting views and building a fan base. They’re gaining ground, while you’re slowly slipping into the background.

It may seem like your dreams of running a successful YouTube channel for marketing are getting flushed down the toilet.

But it doesn’t have to be this hard.

With the right strategy, you can exponentially grow your YouTube channel and turn it into a marketing machine that delivers new leads and more revenue to your business.

So what's the biggest secret to "YouTube Success" as a busy entrepreneur? Well, it's simple... Shoot videos once a month and we'll take care of the rest!


Youtube on a laptop

Or this...

Youtube on phone Youtube on a phone

Why Do I Need A YouTube Strategist?

Wouldn't you say your business should be your main focus? That’s what you are an expert at, and that’s why you’re successful at it.

So, Why not delegate your YouTube to YouTube experts? so you can focus more on what you're good at?

This is where we come in.

When you hire us, you are literally plugging in a badass team of brand strategists, video marketers, coaches, and editors to help you reach your goals.

To staff your business up with this kind of expertise it would literally cost you $325,000+ per year in overheads (average salary of $65k x 5 team members).

Instead, you can have our team manage this ALL FOR YOU for a fixed monthly fee, that works out to be a fraction of that cost (and you don’t have all the headaches of building and staffing a team).

We’ve learned the hard way what makes a YouTube channel work. It took us years to build the right skills, but now we’ve hacked the secrets of YouTube and we know how to use it right.

The strategies we deliver aren’t just what comes off the top of our head - these are proven strategies that are working right now for brands all over the world.

So, Are you ready to let our YouTube marketing strategists take your brand to the next level?



We take the guesswork out of YouTube marketing.

All you’ll need is a camera (like the one on your phone) and a great smile.

Every month, you’ll get a personalized strategy, covering how to shoot the videos, a review of your analytics, and your perfect schedule.

You’ll also get all of your questions answered on your coaching calls.

After that, you shoot the videos, send us the raw files, and we’ll do the rest. That includes editing, optimization, and advertising.

Want to know more about how it all works? Here’s the 5-step process we use to help you get growth from your channel.


Your YouTube channel could be driving new sales and growing your business. All you need is the right YouTube strategy.

Remember, your competition is currently working on their YouTube channels. They’re gaining a following, and they’re about to leave you in the dust... and you know that!

Let’s turn the tables on them together. Today is the day to convert your YouTube channel into a money-making machine. And we’re here to help.

Click on the button below, and we’ll set you up with a YouTube marketing strategy... for FREE!. We’ll go through the process we described above and help you create a YouTube channel that shines above your competitors’.

Are you ready to see real results from your YouTube marketing strategy?


Imagine waking up in the morning to see your channel has thousands of new views, hundreds of new comments, and loads of new subscribers.

Just think about what it would be like to get dozens (if not hundreds) of new leads and new sales every single day from your YouTube channel.

People are looking for your business. They just don’t know it yet.

They’re searching for information on YouTube right now. If you’re not releasing videos, those potential customers are going to get snatched up by your competitors who are making videos.

We want your YouTube channel to do more than just survive - we want it to reach its full potential and bring in the kind of ROI you dreamed of when you started all this.

We are just waiting for a new channel to dig their hands into. we’re ready to grow your channel to its true potential, and turn it into your greatest marketing campaign yet.